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Wellness Workshops

Nourish your mind with knowledge that will feed your soul!

Kasama Wellness provides important wellness education to our community in an interactive way

We offer 1-2 hour wellness workshops that focus on:

  • Stress Management & Building Resiliency

  • Self-care Techniques

  • Nutritionally Aware Eating

  • Sound Therapy

Interested in hosting a workshop with us?

Complete the form below to request a quote and more details!

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Interior Design of a Calm, Relaxing, Meditation Area, Decorated with Plants, Flowers, Beautiful Light Fixtures, and at the center of it all, a Beautiful Large Image of the Moon's Surface

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Do sound baths involve water?
    Nope! Sound baths do not involve liquid of any kind, so you can leave your bathing suit at home. ☺ The name comes from the feeling the experience creates, you feel as if you are literally being “bathed” in sound.
  • Can I bring my own mat and blanket?
    Of course! We encourage participants to bring anything that will help them relax and feel more comfortable during our one-hour session together. So feel free to bring as many blankets and pillows as you need!
  • Is it meditation?
    It is a form of meditation. It differs from what comes to mind when you think of meditation in a traditional sense. Instead of sitting upright and using a mantra, a point of focus, or focusing on breath, you are laying down or seated and listening to the sound(s) being created.
  • What if I fall asleep?
    This is a normal reaction to sound baths, especially if you are new to the practice. If you drift off for a bit, it is okay, this is what your body needs at that time. You will still receive restorative benefits from the sound bath, as your body is still able to enter a rest and digest state.
  • I do not feel comfortable with lying on the floor; can I still attend a sound bath?
    Yes! Lying down is the most common way to experience a sound bath, but if you are not comfortable with this, you are more than welcome to sit on a cushion or chair.
  • Can children come to a sound bath?
    Children of all ages are welcome. For some children, laying still and quiet for long lengths of time can be difficult. Talking and loud movements can be disruptive to other participants, so we ask those bringing children to use their judgement when deciding to include their children in the experience, as you know your child best.
  • Is it normal to feel emotional during or after a sound bath?
    Yes, if you are going through something in your life where you are emotionally invested, a sound bath can sometimes spur a release of suppressed emotions. This release can come in the form of crying or feeling emotionally sensitive after a session. This is normal and we recommend that after a session you do something relaxing to allow yourself to address any emotions that may come up during or after the sound bath.
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